My Books

Life’s challenges are intensely personal; what was difficult for one person may seem small to the next.

A range of personal challenges and obstacles exists on the spectrum, from neglect, substance abuse, lack of self-esteem, all the way to financial troubles. But, no matter what you’re going through in life, I’ve learned that all you need are 4 key elements: FAITH, LOVE, POSITIVE ATTITUDE, & VISUALIZING A BETTER FUTURE.

Surviving cancer is a test most people struggle to overcome. For many, the perception is that cancer is an automatic death sentence, that one will be consumed by the immutable fate of this life-threatening disease.

I want people to know that this is NOT true.

I’m involved in many projects: speaking, writing, charity work, etc. And in all of these endeavors the underlying link is the desire to make things better for people who are struggling with life’s challenges. When I write about cancer, the concepts which speak to perseverance apply to many other aspects of life. And, the same can be said regarding my writings on anti-bullying, where I try to inspire children to have more self-confidence. Try to find an aspect of life in which self-confidence is not needed-you can’t. When I speak to an audience, I want them to know that they have the tools to achieve self-empowerment, and that the fundamental concepts I lecture upon apply to varied real-life situations.

You Are Being Tested Book Cover

You Are Being Tested

Never doubt the true potential you have in the life God has given you. You are strong, capable, intelligent, beautiful, and most importantly, not alone. You have been given the test you are fighting through for a reason. You can try your best to plan ahead and prepare for the future, but life will always present the unexpected. You are being tested on your strengths, faith, endurance, and…

I Will Not Be Bullied, I Will Not Bully Others (Series 1) Book Cover

I Will Not Be Bullied, I Will Not Bully Others (Series 1)

One thing that Mom and Dad (Marie Zoutomou-Quintanilla and Jayson Quintanilla) want is a confident kid. We wanted to share our perspective on how to instill self-confidence into any child. Self-confidence is a critical part of life and influences areas such as education, career choice, self-fulfillment, relationships, and independent, critical thinking.

I Will Note Bullied, I Will Not Bully Others Book Cover

I Will Not Be Bullied, I Will Not Bully Others (Series 2)

I Will Not Be Bullied; I Will Not Bully Others is a book series that offers kids the confidence necessary to help report bullying and be open to parents and teachers when they are victims. The book renders valuable information that can help your child to resolve life’s inevitable conflicts. This book provides a perspective to build self-confidence, strength, and mental toughness.


“This book is amazing, Marie Zoutomou is a breast cancer survivor and she shares her story to give hope and motivation to people who are going through testing times. She gives great tips, two that stuck with me are ” never give up, always look for a solution ” and “keep a positive attitude”. The book also shares two women’s stories of surviving cancer. After reading the book I felt so motivated to be the best person I can be even through testing times.”

Rebekah Masresha

“I’ve never had a major illness and didn’t really relate to those who were forced to deal with something as significant as cancer. This book deals with the topic in a certain way that is likely unique to your reading experience. I would have thought that cancer is so terrible that it leaves everyone touched by it scarred or disfigured in some way, either emotionally, physically, or both. What’s remarkable about this book is that Marie has a way of making you feel as though cancer is hardly a life-threatening experience at all.This is a very quick read that most can finish in 1-3 days.”

Jason Quintanilla

“This amazing empowering book written by such strong, caring, loving and positive Marie C. Zoutomou really helped and taught me a lot! I’m forever grateful to Marie for taking time to write and publish it and share her story. I have been going through personal difficult time, perhaps the most difficult time of my life, and after reading this book and realizing what Marie had to overcome and come out of everything even stronger and warmer and brighter, gave me so much hope and encouragement!”


MarieZQ with participants at the Emotional Intelligence Retreat

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